
Azure Application Insights logo

Capturing ASP.NET Core original URL with Azure Application Insights

- Azure
By default, Application Insights will capture a lot of data about your ASP.NET applications including HTTP Requests made to your website. Unfortunately, the URL captured by Application Insights doesn't always match the URL originally requested by the client.
Blazor and GitHub logo

How to deploy ASP.NET Blazor WebAssembly to GitHub Pages

- .NET
With ASP.NET Blazor WebAssembly you can create .NET applications that run completely inside of the browser. The output of a Blazor WASM project are all static files. You can deploy these applications to various static site hosts like GitHub Pages.
How to deploy ASP.NET Blazor WebAssembly to Azure Static Web Apps. Blazor logo pointing to a GitHub logo pointing to an Azure logo.

How to deploy Blazor WASM & Azure Functions to Azure Static Web Apps using GitHub

- .NET
With ASP.NET Blazor WebAssembly you can create .NET applications that run inside of the browser . The output of a Blazor WASM project are all static files. You can deploy these applications to static site hosts, such as Azure Static Web Apps and GitHub Pages.
ASP.NET Blazor Logo

How to run code after Blazor component has rendered

- .NET
Blazor components render their template whenever state has changed and sometimes you need to invoke some code after rendering has completed. This blog post will show you how to run code after your Blazor component has rendered, on every render or as needed.
NDepend Logo

Checking out NDepend: a static code analysis tool for .NET

- .NET
NDepend is a static code analysis tool (SAST) for .NET. NDepend will analyze your code for code smells, best practices, complexity, dead code, naming conventions, and much more.
Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome logo

Hidden Gem: Take screenshots using built-in commands in Chrome/Edge

- Web
Chromium browsers such as Chrome and Edge have many lesser known features. One of those features is the ability to take screenshots of your current tab content. These commands are even more powerful when you emulate different devices and resolutions.
DNN Logo

How to add Hangfire to DNN

- .NET
DNN already has an excellent built-in scheduler you can use to schedule tasks. But you may be more familiar with and prefer Hangfire for running background jobs. These instruction will walk you through configuring Hangfire in with DNN.
Screenshot of NCrontab Expression Tester tool

Introducing NCrontab Tester (Blazor WebAssembly)

- .NET
Introducing NCrontab Expression tester, made using NCrontab .NET library, Blazor WebAssembly, and hosted on Azure Static Web Apps
Screenshot of HTTP Request in PowerShell

Copy HTTP Requests from Chrome/Edge DevTools to PowerShell/cURL/Fetch

- Web
You can copy the recorded HTTP requests the from Chrome and Edge DevTools to PowerShell/cURL/Fetch. This allows you to quickly replay HTTP requests from the console/command line saving saving you time!

Download .NET Windows Theme based on the new .NET Brand GitHub repo

- .NET
The .NET GitHub org has a new Brand repository containing a detailed Brand guidelines PDF, logo's, illustrations, and wallpapers. Using these resources I put together a Windows Theme for .NET which you can download here!
Prey Cover: Man in spacesuit holding shotgun. Earth and Spacestation in the background

Prey: a game out of this world (5⭐)

- Game
Prey is a first-person thriller/horror shooter situated in a massive space station orbiting the moon. Aliens have infested the station and it's up to you to make sure the aliens don't reach Earth. The game provides a large variety of game mechanics like crafting, collecting, inventory management, sneaking, platforming, puzzling, and satisfying combat.
CRM and PowerShell logo

Use PowerShell to communicate with Dynamics CRM using the .NET XRM SDK

- Dynamics
If you've developed client applications or plugins for Dynamics CRM before, you are familiar with the CRM/XRM DLL's. You may have gotten those DLL's from the CRM installation, the SDK zip, or the NuGet package. Another way to interact with the CRM DLL's is through PowerShell. PowerShell is built upon .NET meaning you can call exactly the same CRM libraries from PowerShell as from .NET applications.
CRM and PowerShell logo

PowerShell snippet: Get optionset value/labels from Dynamics CRM Entity/Attribute

- Dynamics
Instead of having to use the CRM interface to copy all the labels and values manually, you can save yourself a lot of time using this PowerShell script. Using the following script file named "GetOptionSet.ps1", you can list all the value/label pairs for a given Entity + OptionSet-Attribute:
.NET Core logo + Dotnet bot wearing Red Hat

How to run ASP.NET Core Web Application as a service on Linux without reverse proxy, no NGINX or Apache

- .NET
This article walks us through running a ASP.NET Core web application on Linux (RHEL) using systemd. The end goal is to serve ASP.NET Core directly via the built-in Kestrel webserver over port 80/443.
.NET Core logo + Dotnet bot wearing Red Hat

How to run a .NET Core console app as a service using Systemd on Linux (RHEL)

- .NET
Let's learn how to run a .NET Core console application on systemd. After running a console app as a service, we'll upgrade to using the dotnet core worker service template designed for long running services/daemons. Lastly, we'll add the systemd package integration.
Phone/Tablet/Laptop displaying Umbraco logo

Implementing Responsive Images in Umbraco

- Umbraco
The web platform has responsive image capabilities such as the srcset-attribute, sizes-attribute, and the picture-element. These capabilities may seem daunting sometimes. We'll learn how to make them available and maintainable to Umbraco content editors.
Visual Studio Code logo cursing at .NET Core logo with Red Hat logo

VS Code C# Extension not working in Remote SSH mode on Red Hat Linux? Here's a workaround

- .NET
Unfortunately, the C# Extension for VS Code malfunctions when following the official steps to install .NET Core on Red Hat and using the Remote SSH extension. OmniSharp is not able to find the .NET Core installation but we can work around this.
Screenshot of Visual Studio with EF Raw SQL Code

Querying data using raw SQL & Stored Procedures in Entity Framework Core

- .NET
When LINQ queries can't meet the performance requirements of your application, you can leverage Raw SQL and still have EF map the data to concrete .NET objects. You can also invoke Stored Procedures in case the logic of the SQL queries need to reside in the SQL Database.
Screenshot of the HTML Agility Pack homepage

Auto generate Heading Anchors using HTML AgilityPack DOM Manipulation

- .NET
Manually adding an anchor to every heading would be a painful solution. So let's learn how we can achieve this by generating the Heading Anchors using the HTML AgilityPack .NET library.
.NET and Selenium logo connected to Azure DevOps Pipelines logo driving browser

How to run .NET Core Selenium UI tests on Azure DevOps Pipelines Windows/Ubuntu agents? 🚀

- .NET
his post discusses how to take those UI tests and run them in Azure DevOps Pipelines on both Windows & Ubuntu agents. Use this GitHub repository which contains the UI test project necessary to follow along in this post.