Create a chatbot in the console with Azure OpenAI and C#
Learn how to create an Azure OpenAI instance and deploy a model to it, how to integrate the Azure OpenAI SDK into your .NET application, and how to use the chat completions APIs to create a chatbot.

Send Emails using C# .NET with Azure Functions and SendGrid Bindings
Learn how to send emails from Azure Functions using C# .NET and the SendGrid Bindings

How to send SMS with C# .NET and Azure Functions using Twilio Output Binding
Twilio posts cloud communications trends, customer stories, and tips for building scalable voice and SMS applications with Twilio's APIs.

Deploying Umbraco 9 to Azure App Service for Linux
Learn how to create the Azure infrastructure using the Azure CLI to host an Umbraco 9 website using Azure SQL and Azure App Service for Linux, and how to deploy your Umbraco 9 site.

How to deploy Power Apps Portals using Azure Pipelines
Learn how to automatically deploy Power Apps portals using the Microsoft Power Platform CLI and Azure DevOps.

How to deploy Power Apps Solutions using Azure Pipelines
Learn how to automatically deploy Power Apps solutions using the Power Platform Build Tools and Azure DevOps.

How to create a Discord Bot using the .NET worker template and host it on Azure Container Instances
Learn how to develop a Discord bot using the .NET worker template, containerize it using Docker, push the container image to Azure Container Registry, and host it on Azure Container Instances.

Download the new Azure logo as SVG, PNG, or JPEG here (high-res/transparent/white background)
Here's the new logo as SVG (scalable), PNG (transparent background), and JPEG at the high resolution of 3000x3000 pixels. (I copied to SVG code from the Azure Portal, modified, and exported it to PNG/JPEG)

Run Custom Availability Tests using PowerShell and Azure Application Insights, even on-premises
The built-in availability tests in Azure Application Insights are great but very basic. You can create your own custom availability test. Learn how to create a custom availability test using PowerShell and Application Insight's .NET SDK.

Querying top requested URL's using Kusto and Log Analytics in Azure Application Insights
One query many webmasters and content editors are interested in is which URL's are most popular.
Azure Application Insights can answer this question with data coming from back-end telemetry and can include request telemetry of static files as well.

Querying 404's using Kusto and Log Analytics in Azure Application Insights
Using the built-in Log Analytics workspace in Azure Application Insights, you can query all the URL's causing 404 HTTP Status responses.

Introducing Umbraco's KeepAlive Ping configuration
Umbraco 8.6 introduces the new keepAlive configuration inside of `umbracoSettings.config` which allows you to change "keepAlivePingUrl" and "disableKeepAliveTask"

Capturing ASP.NET Framework RawUrl with Azure Application Insights
By default, Application Insights will capture a lot of data about your ASP.NET applications including HTTP Requests made to your website. Unfortunately, the URL captured by Application Insights doesn't always match the URL originally requested by the client.

Capturing ASP.NET Core original URL with Azure Application Insights
By default, Application Insights will capture a lot of data about your ASP.NET applications including HTTP Requests made to your website. Unfortunately, the URL captured by Application Insights doesn't always match the URL originally requested by the client.

How to deploy Blazor WASM & Azure Functions to Azure Static Web Apps using GitHub
With ASP.NET Blazor WebAssembly you can create .NET applications that run inside of the browser . The output of a Blazor WASM project are all static files. You can deploy these applications to static site hosts, such as Azure Static Web Apps and GitHub Pages.

Introducing NCrontab Tester (Blazor WebAssembly)
Introducing NCrontab Expression tester, made using NCrontab .NET library, Blazor WebAssembly, and hosted on Azure Static Web Apps

Deleting old web app logs using Azure Web Jobs and PowerShell
When you're Azure App Service writes a lot of logs, these logs can quickly pile up and even hit your "File system storage" quota limits.
This was something I personally didn't pay attention to for quite some time and was surprised to find multiple gigabytes of logs sitting in my app service.
To solve this issue, you can use a PowerShell script and a time triggered Azure Web Job.

Bulk add IP Access Restrictions to Azure App Service using Az PowerShell
Azure App Services are publicly accessible via Azure's public DNS in the format of "[NAME].azurewebsites.net", but there are many reasons for not wanting it to be accessible via the DNS. This script uses the Az PowerShell module to bulk add IP Ranges into the Access Restriction feature in App Service.

Bulk add Cloudflare's IPs to Azure App Service Access Restrictions using Az PowerShell
Azure App Services are publicly accessible via Azure's public DNS, but when using Cloudflare you should lock this down to only allow Cloudflare to reach your service. This script will add all Cloudflare's IP ranges to your app service Access Restriction.

Bulk add Application Insights Availability Test IPs to Azure App Service Access Restrictions using Az PowerShell
Azure App Services are publicly accessible via Azure's public DNS, but using Access Restrictions you can lock this down. To ensure your App Insight Availability Tests still work, you can use this PowerShell script to bulk insert all the IP ranges.