Blog - C#


Download .NET Windows Theme based on the new .NET Brand GitHub repo

- .NET
The .NET GitHub org has a new Brand repository containing a detailed Brand guidelines PDF, logo's, illustrations, and wallpapers. Using these resources I put together a Windows Theme for .NET which you can download here!
.NET Core logo + Dotnet bot wearing Red Hat

How to run ASP.NET Core Web Application as a service on Linux without reverse proxy, no NGINX or Apache

- .NET
This article walks us through running a ASP.NET Core web application on Linux (RHEL) using systemd. The end goal is to serve ASP.NET Core directly via the built-in Kestrel webserver over port 80/443.
.NET Core logo + Dotnet bot wearing Red Hat

How to run a .NET Core console app as a service using Systemd on Linux (RHEL)

- .NET
Let's learn how to run a .NET Core console application on systemd. After running a console app as a service, we'll upgrade to using the dotnet core worker service template designed for long running services/daemons. Lastly, we'll add the systemd package integration.
Phone/Tablet/Laptop displaying Umbraco logo

Implementing Responsive Images in Umbraco

- Umbraco
The web platform has responsive image capabilities such as the srcset-attribute, sizes-attribute, and the picture-element. These capabilities may seem daunting sometimes. We'll learn how to make them available and maintainable to Umbraco content editors.
Visual Studio Code logo cursing at .NET Core logo with Red Hat logo

VS Code C# Extension not working in Remote SSH mode on Red Hat Linux? Here's a workaround

- .NET
Unfortunately, the C# Extension for VS Code malfunctions when following the official steps to install .NET Core on Red Hat and using the Remote SSH extension. OmniSharp is not able to find the .NET Core installation but we can work around this.
Screenshot of the HTML Agility Pack homepage

Auto generate Heading Anchors using HTML AgilityPack DOM Manipulation

- .NET
Manually adding an anchor to every heading would be a painful solution. So let's learn how we can achieve this by generating the Heading Anchors using the HTML AgilityPack .NET library.
.NET and Selenium logo connected to Azure DevOps Pipelines logo driving browser

How to run .NET Core Selenium UI tests on Azure DevOps Pipelines Windows/Ubuntu agents? 🚀

- .NET
his post discusses how to take those UI tests and run them in Azure DevOps Pipelines on both Windows & Ubuntu agents. Use this GitHub repository which contains the UI test project necessary to follow along in this post.
.NET Core + Selenium logo steering a web browser window

How to UI test using Selenium and .NET Core on Windows, Ubuntu, and MacOS

- .NET
Selenium is a browser 🌐 automation tool mainly used for UI testing and automating tasks. Selenium is agnostic of operating system, programming language, and browser. You can automate Chrome on MacOS using C#, FireFox using Python on Windows, or Opera using NodeJS on Linux to give you a few examples.
Azure & .NET & Discord Logo

Creating a Discord Bot using .NET Core and hosting it on Azure App Services

- Azure
Discord is an online communication platform built specifically for gaming. Using .NET Core and Azure App Service WebJobs we can host a Discord bot that can listen and respond to voice and text input.
Robot with Umbraco logo

Crawling through Umbraco with Robots

- Umbraco
The robots.txt file’s main purpose is to tell robots (Google Bot, Bing Bot, etc.) what to index for their search engine, and also what not to. Usually you want most of your website crawled by Google, such as blog posts, product pages, etc., but most websites will have some pages/sections that shouldn’t be indexed or listed in search engines.
Azure Application Insights logo + Umbraco logo

Ignoring Umbraco ping.aspx from Azure Application Insights

- Umbraco
Application Performance Monitors provide you with a lot of data, but some of that data may not be relevant. Specifically, in Umbraco there is a page at \umbraco\ping.aspx that is being called frequently to keep the site alive. This is very useful to prevent the site from "dying" (?), but the data for this request isn't that relevant and could skew your statistics. Using Azure Application Insights ITelemetryProcessor, we can prevent ping request from being sent to Azure Application Insights.
Spider Web with Umbraco logo

Crawling through Umbraco with Sitemaps

- Umbraco
Websites come in all shapes and sizes. Some are fast, some are beautiful, and some are a complete mess. Whether it's a high-quality site is irrelevant if people can’t find it, but search engines are here to help. Though the competition to get on first page is tough, this series will dive into some common practices to make your website crawlable.