Collaborating on Power Apps Using Personal Environments, Power Platform CLI, Git, and Azure DevOps
It can be hard to collaborate on Power Apps with other developers. Sometimes you can overwrite each other's work or break things; however, each developer can safely make their changes by using personal environments instead of a shared development environment. They can then merge their work together into the shared environment. A developer can track changes to solutions using git and move solutions between environments using the Power Platform CLI and SolutionPackager tool.
Delaying JavaScript Execution Until HTML Elements are Present in Power Apps and Dynamics CRM
Learn how to customize forms using JavaScript in Model-Driven Power Apps forms and Dynamics CRM forms.
How to Create Dataverse Activities using Power Automate
In this Power Platform tutorial, you will set up an HTTP webhook using the "When an HTTP request is received" action. With the HTTP request JSON, you will calculate the duration between two timestamps and fetch a contact and user by finding matching phone numbers. Then, you will create a phone call and update the status of the phone call.
How to deploy Power Apps Portals using Azure Pipelines
Learn how to automatically deploy Power Apps portals using the Microsoft Power Platform CLI and Azure DevOps.
How to deploy Power Apps Solutions using Azure Pipelines
Learn how to automatically deploy Power Apps solutions using the Power Platform Build Tools and Azure DevOps.
Generic Linear Search/Sequential Search for a sequence in C# .NET
To practice algorithms and data structures, I reimplemented Linear Search/Sequential Search for a sequence using C#'s generic type parameters.
Generic Boyer–Moore–Horspool algorithm in C# .NET
To practice algorithms and data structures, I reimplemented Boyer–Moore–Horspool algorithm for a sequence using C#'s generic type parameters.
Generic Binary Search in C# .NET
To practice algorithms and data structures, I reimplemented binary search using C#'s generic type parameters.
Generic Insertion Sort in C# .NET
To practice algorithms and data structures, I reimplemented insertion sort using C#'s generic type parameters.
Generic Quick Sort in C# .NET
To practice algorithms and data structures, I reimplemented Quick Sort using C#'s generic type parameters.
Generic Merge Sort in C# .NET
To practice algorithms and data structures, I reimplemented merge sort using C#'s generic type parameters.
Generic Bubble Sort in C# .NET
To practice algorithms and data structures, I reimplemented bubble sort using C#'s generic type parameters.
Proxy your phone number with Twilio Programmable Voice and Twilio Functions
You'll learn how to turn a Twilio phone number into a proxy phone number using Twilio Functions as webhooks for your Twilio phone number.
How to create a Discord Bot using the .NET worker template and host it on Azure Container Instances
Learn how to develop a Discord bot using the .NET worker template, containerize it using Docker, push the container image to Azure Container Registry, and host it on Azure Container Instances.
Guest on .NET Docs Show: Making Phone Calls 📞 from Blazor WebAssembly with Twilio Voice
Earlier this week, the folks at the .NET Docs Show invited me over to talk about Twilio, .NET, and Blazor WebAssembly. We discussed different architectures, workflow diagrams, Twilio capabilities, and how to integrate them using ASP.NET WebAPI's and Blazor WebAssembly.
Download the new Azure logo as SVG, PNG, or JPEG here (high-res/transparent/white background)
Here's the new logo as SVG (scalable), PNG (transparent background), and JPEG at the high resolution of 3000x3000 pixels. (I copied to SVG code from the Azure Portal, modified, and exported it to PNG/JPEG)
How to bypass Captchas in Selenium UI tests
Captchas are often used as a way to combat spam on website forms. Unfortunately, this also makes it harder to verify the functionality of the forms using UI tests like Selenium.
To work around this you can extend your website with a bypass form.
Capture emails during development using smtp4dev and UI Test with Selenium
You can use smtp4dev during development to prevent emails from going out to real customers. This tool also supports IMAP which you can use to query emails for automated testing.
Create ZIP files on HTTP request without intermediate files using ASP.NET MVC Framework
The ZipArchive wraps any stream to read, create, and update ZIP archives. You can send the result to the client using ASP.NET MVC Framework.
How to deploy Blazor WebAssembly to DigitalOcean App Platform
Blazor WebAssembly can be served as static files. These files can be hosted in static hosting services such as DigitalOcean App Platform.