Deploying Umbraco 9 to Azure App Service for Linux
Learn how to create the Azure infrastructure using the Azure CLI to host an Umbraco 9 website using Azure SQL and Azure App Service for Linux, and how to deploy your Umbraco 9 site.

Deleting old web app logs using Azure Web Jobs and PowerShell
When you're Azure App Service writes a lot of logs, these logs can quickly pile up and even hit your "File system storage" quota limits.
This was something I personally didn't pay attention to for quite some time and was surprised to find multiple gigabytes of logs sitting in my app service.
To solve this issue, you can use a PowerShell script and a time triggered Azure Web Job.

Bulk add IP Access Restrictions to Azure App Service using Az PowerShell
Azure App Services are publicly accessible via Azure's public DNS in the format of "[NAME].azurewebsites.net", but there are many reasons for not wanting it to be accessible via the DNS. This script uses the Az PowerShell module to bulk add IP Ranges into the Access Restriction feature in App Service.

Bulk add Cloudflare's IPs to Azure App Service Access Restrictions using Az PowerShell
Azure App Services are publicly accessible via Azure's public DNS, but when using Cloudflare you should lock this down to only allow Cloudflare to reach your service. This script will add all Cloudflare's IP ranges to your app service Access Restriction.

Bulk add Application Insights Availability Test IPs to Azure App Service Access Restrictions using Az PowerShell
Azure App Services are publicly accessible via Azure's public DNS, but using Access Restrictions you can lock this down. To ensure your App Insight Availability Tests still work, you can use this PowerShell script to bulk insert all the IP ranges.

Creating a Discord Bot using .NET Core and hosting it on Azure App Services
Discord is an online communication platform built specifically for gaming. Using .NET Core and Azure App Service WebJobs we can host a Discord bot that can listen and respond to voice and text input.

Setting up Cloudflare Full Universal SSL/TLS/HTTPS with an Azure App Services
Using Cloudflare's Universal SSL/TLS service, we can provide our website over a safe HTTPS connection. This post walks you through setting up the SSL/TLS encrypted connection from client to Cloudflare, to your Azure Web Application using the Full (strict) option and Cloudflare's origin certificates.