Pre-render Blazor WebAssembly at build time to optimize for search engines
Using pre-rendering tools like react-snap, you can pre-render Blazor WASM. Additionally, you can integrate these pre-rendering tools inside of your continuous integration and continuous deployment pipelines.
How to deploy Blazor WebAssembly to Firebase Hosting
With ASP.NET Blazor WebAssembly you can create .NET applications that run completely inside of the browser. The output of a Blazor WASM project are all static files. You can deploy these applications to various static site hosts like Firebase Hosting.
Video: How to deploy ASP.NET Blazor WebAssembly to GitHub Pages
With ASP.NET Blazor WebAssembly you can create .NET applications that run completely inside of the browser. The output of a Blazor WASM project are all static files. You can deploy these applications to various static site hosts like GitHub Pages.
How to deploy ASP.NET Blazor WebAssembly to GitHub Pages
With ASP.NET Blazor WebAssembly you can create .NET applications that run completely inside of the browser. The output of a Blazor WASM project are all static files. You can deploy these applications to various static site hosts like GitHub Pages.
How to deploy Blazor WASM & Azure Functions to Azure Static Web Apps using GitHub
With ASP.NET Blazor WebAssembly you can create .NET applications that run inside of the browser . The output of a Blazor WASM project are all static files. You can deploy these applications to static site hosts, such as Azure Static Web Apps and GitHub Pages.