Blog - C#

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Change the ServiceLifetime after the service has been added to the .NET ServiceCollection

- .NET
Learn how to change the lifetime of services already added to a service collection.

How to build a URL Shortener with C# .NET and Redis

- .NET
Learn how to build a link shortener using C#, .NET, and Redis. You'll be using ASP.NET Core to build the URL forwarder and the System.CommandLine libraries to manage the data.
Generate TwiML using Strings in C#

How to generate TwiML using Strings in C#

- .NET
Learn how Twilio uses webhooks and TwiML to give you control over how to respond to a call or text message. You can generate TwiML using strings in many ways, and with C# 11 you can now also use Raw String Literals.
Use Raw String Literals to generate TwiML in C# 11

Use Raw String Literals to generate TwiML in C# 11

- .NET
Learn how Twilio uses webhooks and TwiML to give you control over how to respond to a call or text message. You can generate TwiML in many ways, and with C# 11 you can now also use Raw String Literals.

Use Visual Studio dev tunnels to handle Twilio Webhooks

- .NET
Learn how to develop webhooks on your local machine using Visual Studio dev tunnels and ASP.NET Core.
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How to create an ASP.NET Core Minimal API with Visual Basic .NET (there's no template)

- .NET
Visual Basic .NET (VB) is not dead, but it's not getting the same amount of love as C# or even F#. Luckily, all that is .NET can be used by all .NET languages including VB, so you can still use ASP.NET Core and Minimal APIs with the VB language.
Conversation between an iPhone user and the SMS bot. The user says "Hi" and the bot responds with "Welcome to the U.S. Representative lookup bot. Respond with your address. The user sends an address and the bot responds with "Your representative is Gerald E. Connolly (Democratic Party) representing Virginia"s 11th congressional district. Then the bot sends an image of the representative.

Find your US Representatives and Congressional Districts with SMS and ASP.NET Core

- .NET
Learn how to create an SMS bot that looks up U.S. Congressional Districts and Representatives using the Google Civic Information API, C#, ASP.NET Core Minimal API, and Twilio SMS.
.NET bot flying with a jetpack

How to Bulk Email with C# and .NET: Zero to Hero

- .NET
There are many ways to bulk email, each with their own strengths. Learn how to bulk email with C# and .NET using SendGrid.

Provide default configuration to your .NET applications

- .NET
Learn how to provide default options into your .NET configuration to reduce redundancy
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How to better configure C# and .NET applications for SendGrid

- .NET
Learn how to configure your .NET applications better for sending SendGrid emails
.NET Bot holding a browser URL bar and a toolbox

How to get the full public URL of ASP.NET Core

- .NET
Learn how to get the public full URL of your ASP.NET Core application
.NET Bot holding a browser URL bar and a toolbox

How to generate absolute URLs in ASP.NET Core

- .NET
Learn how to generate full absolute URLs in C# and ASP.NET Core web applications.
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How to better configure C# and .NET applications for Twilio

- .NET
Learn how to use multiple configuration sources, strongly-typed objects, and implement the options pattern in your .NET applications
.NET Bot holding a phone and bag with the Twilio logo

What's new in the Twilio helper library for ASP.NET (v5.73.0 - April 2022)

- .NET
Learn about what's new and old with the Twilio helper library for ASP.NET in version 5.73.0
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How to Send SMS without a Phone Number using C# .NET and an Alphanumeric Sender ID

- .NET
You don't always need a phone number to send SMS! Learn how to send text messages using Alphanumeric Sender IDs.
How to prevent Email HTML injection in C# and .NET

How to prevent email HTML injection in C# and .NET

- .NET
Learn how bad actors can inject HTML into your emails in your C# .NET applications and how to mitigate it.
Twilio SendGrid logo

How to send ASP.NET Core Identity emails with Twilio SendGrid

- .NET
Learn how to use SendGrid to send account verification and password recovery emails in ASP.NET Core
Twilio SendGrid logo

How to send Email in C# .NET using SMTP and SendGrid

- .NET
You can use the SendGrid APIs to send emails, but you can also use SMTP with SendGrid. Learn how to send emails using SMTP, SendGrid C# .NET
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Send Scheduled SMS with C# .NET and Twilio Programmable Messaging

- .NET
Learn how to schedule SMS with C# .NET and Twilio Messaging's latest feature: Scheduled Messaging!
.NET Bot

How to get ASP.NET Core's local server URLs

- .NET
Learn how to access the ASP.NET Core's local server URLs in Program.cs, in controllers using Dependency Injection, and in IHostedService or BackgroundService.