Don't let your users get pwned via email HTML injection
Learn how to prevent HTML injection into your emails and protect your users from bad actors!

Get Your Head Together With Blazor’s New HeadContent and PageTitle
Let’s take a look at the three Blazor components .NET 6 is introducing to help you manage the head of your document—PageTitle, HeadContent, and HeadOutlet.

Introducing online base64 image encoder
This little tool generates the base64 data URL for the file you select without uploading it to a server.
The base64 encoding happens inside your browser.

Don't forget to provide image alt meta data for open graph and twitter cards social sharing
Due to the lack of support historically and it not being prominent in many samples, the important alternative text meta tag is often forgotten. To add support for the alt-meta tag use og:image:alt and twitter:image:alt.

Verify what your webpage looks like in Google, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more
Social media platforms each generate link previews/cards differently. You can use the official debuggers/inspectors provided by Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn to debug the previews. To quickly preview multiple social networks + Google + Slack, you can use metatags.io.

Implementing Responsive Images in Umbraco
The web platform has responsive image capabilities such as the srcset-attribute, sizes-attribute, and the picture-element. These capabilities may seem daunting sometimes. We'll learn how to make them available and maintainable to Umbraco content editors.

Auto generate Heading Anchors using HTML AgilityPack DOM Manipulation
Manually adding an anchor to every heading would be a painful solution. So let's learn how we can achieve this by generating the Heading Anchors using the HTML AgilityPack .NET library.

Social Sharing Buttons with zero JavaScript to Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn, and Facebook
Instead of slowing down our site and feeding advertisement profiles, we can use plain HTML to provide social sharing functionality. This post will cover social sharing to Twitter, Reddit, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

Web performance: prevent wasteful hidden image requests (display: none)
We often hide images using CSS with "display: none", but this doesn't actually prevent the browser from downloading these images. Using the HTML Picture element, we can serve different versions of an image depending on media queries. We can even use a data-img to prevent images from being downloaded at all and optimize our website speed.