Use PowerShell to communicate with Dynamics CRM using the .NET XRM SDK
If you've developed client applications or plugins for Dynamics CRM before, you are familiar with the CRM/XRM DLL's. You may have gotten those DLL's from the CRM installation, the SDK zip, or the NuGet package. Another way to interact with the CRM DLL's is through PowerShell. PowerShell is built upon .NET meaning you can call exactly the same CRM libraries from PowerShell as from .NET applications.

PowerShell snippet: Get optionset value/labels from Dynamics CRM Entity/Attribute
Instead of having to use the CRM interface to copy all the labels and values manually, you can save yourself a lot of time using this PowerShell script.
Using the following script file named "GetOptionSet.ps1", you can list all the value/label pairs for a given Entity + OptionSet-Attribute: