Blog - Firebase

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Video: How to deploy Blazor WebAssembly to Firebase Hosting

- .NET
With ASP.NET Blazor WebAssembly you can create .NET applications that run completely inside of the browser. The output of a Blazor WASM project are all static files. You can deploy these applications to various static site hosts like Firebase Hosting.
 Blazor logo next to an arrow pointing to the GitHub logo next to a double arrow pointing from the GitHub logo to the Firebase Hosting logo

How to deploy Blazor WebAssembly to Firebase Hosting

- .NET
With ASP.NET Blazor WebAssembly you can create .NET applications that run completely inside of the browser. The output of a Blazor WASM project are all static files. You can deploy these applications to various static site hosts like Firebase Hosting.
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Real-time applications with Blazor Server and Firestore

- DotNet
Blazor Server is built on SignalR, which is built on websockets. Among things, websockets enable Blazor Server to push changes from the server to the browser at any time. You can build real-time UI's when you combine this with a real-time database.
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Exploring VueJS and Firebase

- Frontend
A while back I started experimenting with the up and coming javascript library VueJS for an internal admin dashboard. I started learning about VueJS at Laracasts where they have a great mostly free series about VueJS. I was a little skeptical about yet another JavaScript framework/library to solve our modern day SPA needs. Though VueJS felt like a breath of fresh air. It is both refreshingly new, yet still very familiar (to AngularJS or MVVM in .NET.)